lunedì 25 febbraio 2008

Your name history/La storia del tuo nome

This is the photo that my parents saw
in a newspaper in september 17th 1970.
At that time they didn't think about having
a family, but in January 8th 1972 I was born!!

Questa è la foto che i miei genitori hanno visto
su un giornale il 17 settembre 1970.
Allora non pensavano ancora a metter su famiglia,
ma l'8 gennaio 1972 sono nata io!!


4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...


I am Leila From Morocco. I like too very much my name, i really think that it's a romantic one.

It was my uncle who proposes to name me Leila....and what beautiful proposition it was!

He proposed that because I was born on a Islamic night that we call "Layl Al Qadr", it's a very important night on a month of Ramadan that come once a year.

I really feel a lot of spiritual and romantic part of my name.

Thank you for this blog.

(i am sorry for my bad English!!)

leila ha detto...

Hi Leila! Thank you very much for your message and forgive me if I answer you only now. I had to live the blog for a little period but now I'm back! If you want and you have the time I would like to know more about the night "Layl Al Qadr"
I hope you'll be with us in this progect again.
bye, bye

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao a tutte le Leila!

Layl el qadr significa "la notte o la vigilia del destino" .é la 26 ésima notte in Ramadan.
é una notte sacra e festeggiata perché il primo testo(surate) del Coran (che é il libro sacro dei musulmani) ,era rivelato al profeta Muhammed en layl el qadr,tanti secoli fà.

Leila, da Tunisi

Leila ha detto...

I'm Leila, and I'm from Barcelona (Spain).
The history is: When my mother was a child she lived in Paris. One day she knew a girl who's name was Leila, and she fell in love on this name.
She always said that when she will has a baby girl she gives that name. Long time later, in 1980 I was born in Barcelona and they gave me the name of Leila.

When I was a child I didn't like my name, it was strange here in Spain, and people always named me Laia ,Laura, Layla... or ask me many times my name because they can't remember. At that time I would prefer to named me Sandra jajajaja

Nowadays I LOVE my name! The sound, the meaning,...
Leila ;)