sabato 23 febbraio 2008

The documentary film

I'm thinking about a documentary film made of interviews at the largest number of Leila I manage to get in contact with and involve in this progect. All the interviews will be in original mother language with subtitles, and they will be weaved together with photos, images, litterature, music and all that we'll find out together linked to the name Leila.
As this is a very low budget film and also as I don't have the time to go around the world to meet Leila everywhere (even if I wuold like to do it), the protagonists can answer to a questionary shooting by themselves, whether they have a camera, if not we can do it with a web cam talking dirctly with me. I like very much the idea of hearing different voices and listen to different languages talking about and around the same topic.
If any kind of camera is avaible, I'll try with a recorded voice mached to photos.
The questionary contains questions about Leila's meaning, how and why it has been chosen, free opinions abot the name, a brief self-presentation.
There is no screenplay and there won't be a precise one, it's an open progect and all the protagonists are invited to participate actively at the structure of the documentary film with suggestions, curiosities, materials.
The low budget will be spent to pay all the material, copies, sendings necessary to realise it and, obviously, to make a copy of the result for each partecipant.
When everybody will have seen the final film, we all together decide what to do with it...

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Hello, my name's Leïla too ! I'm from Switzerland so I speak french ! ( I dont know how send a comment in your blog, it's written in italian ! So I dont konw if you'll can read it lol ) I like your blog ! It's really a great idea !!!

Anonimo ha detto...

merci beaucoup leila, je suis très hereuse que tu aime l'idée. Excuses mon français... Je suis en train de trouver quelqun qui peut traduire le blog en français parce que il y a plusieurs leila qui parlent français...Est-ce que je peut te mettre dans la liste des leila interesée? Si tu veu ècrire quelque chose en français je peux la traduire en italien et en englais...j'espère de te retrouver dans le blog. salut!

Anonimo ha detto...

Bonjour, ne parlant pas trop italien non plus, je vous écrit en Francais. Je suis une quebécoise d'origine francaise et je trouve l'idée géniale, si jamais vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit, ce serait un honneur et une fierté de pouvoir participer a votre projet sur les ''Leila around the world'' !!!!!